Divers Net Title b

Dos Ojos

Dos Ojos means literally ‘two eyes’ and is so called because there are two large distinct entrances to this cenote which are closely connected. This is truly one of the most impressive dives you can make in the area and a must do if you only had a short time to visit.

So impressive that it can’t be covered in a single page so I have divided it up to cover as much as possible. Dos Ojos is one of the favorite cenotes where locals like to come to swim on weekends so the entrance will always be crowded on Saturdays and Sundays. Part of this is due to the very large open area at its entrance allowing lots of room for swimming.

The stairs leading from the parking area down to the opening with full gear (Yes, you’re going to carry your own) are quite a challenge if you’re even a little out of  shape. There is a large platform at the water to get ready for the dive which is more for the swimmers than divers, and the water, as with all cenotes, is absolutely clear and beautiful. You can see why it would be a popular swimmin’ hole. The platform makes a good place as well for the briefing you will get before every dive to acquaint you with the particulars of each individual cavern.

Standing on the platform or swimming in the pool, you can see a lot of the history of the cenotes from the surrounding rocks and formations. There are mineral deposits and flowstones all along the ceiling and walls from the area’s dry past.

And underwater.

Dos Ojos Below     More Dos Ojos

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