Divers Net Title b


Christiansted is on the western end of St. Croix with the airport, refinery, and Captain Morgan’s distillery in the middle, and Fredericsted taking up the eastern end. The western end has a multiplicity of dive sites along the shoreline all dropping off into the deep blue while Fredericsted is in a comparatively shallow bay. Each has it’s unique sites - sharks and massive reefs in the west and wrecks and the famous Fredericsted Pier to the east.

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There are several dive shops along the pier and all seem well stocked and capable. We chose to try Dive Experience and were not disappointed. They had a well supplied shop and clean boat as well as a private dock area to rince and store gear. There were larger boats but the private area made a pleasant difference.

et phone

In the middle of the island is Mt. Pelier on which sits the Mt. Pelier Hut. Owned and operated by Miss Norma, it’s the home of the beer drinking pigs. It’s also a good place to have a sandwich (pork, beef, or fish) for lunch. For $4.00 you can buy a can of beer and feed it to the pigs and I do mean a can of beer. The pigs take the whole can and crush it drinking the contents and then discarding the can. Be sure to keep your hand out of the way as they have long sharp teeth. They now feed the pigs O’Douls actually since when they used real beer the pigs would get too drunk to perform, and that was bad for business. Customers would have to wait for the pigs to sober before starting the routine all over again. Miss Norma not only has sandwiches but a full bar as well. She has her own brand of rum liquor which she sells by the drink or fifth and it is amazing. A blend of rum, honey, and spices, it rivals anything from the liquor store.

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Miss Norma