Divers Net Title b

One afternoon should be spent checking out the old mill and rainforest.

Chimney 5468web
Entrance 5464web
Guide5475web Pipes 5488web
Mill 5504web
Stonework 5466web
Tractor 5465web
Pipes 5486web
Tree carvings 5485web
Rainforest 5490web
Thorn tree 5477web

You can’t dive all the time! An afternoon spent hiking in the rain forest is well worth it. St. Kitts has two main attractions besides diving and if you have the time you should visit the rain forest and the fort. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to make the fort but did hike the rain forest. The entrance is at an old abandoned mill. Once under the canopy there are many relics of the past now being taken back over by the forest. Water was piped down from the mountain in cast iron pipes which are all over the forest floor as well as several concrete dams now being eaten by the jkungle.


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