The volcanic eruptions over 5000 years ago left Saba with a unique set of dive sites - the Pinnacles. This is what Saba diving is famous for. These huge spires of leftover lava rise out of the deep nutrient rich waters offshore to within 90 - 100 feet of the surface, and they abound with life due to the nutrient rich water boiling up out of the depths. I would love to show you all the marvelous photos of the pinnacles, but, unfortunately, not only was the water visibility about 20 feet the day we went, but that was the dive I was destined to have two camera malfunctions at the same time - both still and video! Needless to say, I was not the happiest camper on Saba that day. Due to the weather, that was our only shot at diving the pinnacles that week, so, guess I just gotta go back.