Divers Net Title b

Walker’s Cay

Walkers     Sharks

is blessed with an amazing array of interesting dive sites, and they are all in shallow water from 20’ to 60’ so any experience level can enjoy them equally. This won’t set well with the hard core ‘depth jockeys’ who think nothing exists above 100 feet, but then, nothing can please everybody. There truly is a vast variety to be seen on the Walkers reef from invertebrates to sharks and pelagics, caves, and a Spanish Galleon wreck. While I was there this time, there was a grandfather taking his grandson on his first open water dive trip, and both were having a great time. Hey there Ridley! There were divers with all kinds of experience as well. Everyone found something to like about the diving at Walkers.

If you are one of those who enjoys swimming or crawling through all those little ubiquitous holes that permeate so much of the Caribbean reef system, then Walkers is for you. Sometimes the choices seem endless as the acres of coral heads are like swiss cheese in places. You can get totally inside or swim through the ‘safer’ areas where there is always an exit to the surface nearby. Either way, Walkers has caves!

It’s easy to get involved with a system of caves and lose total track of time or place. I have many times gone down into some of the little private grottos that the intent diver can find, and just sit and relax and forget the rest of the world exists.

A special treat is the remains of a Spanish Galleon wrecked on the reef. When you enter the water, directly below on the top of the reef at about 20 feet you immediately spot the anchor. It lies right up on top of the reef in plain sight. As you swim down to the anchor, you suddenly become aware of long cigar shapes littering the reef around the anchor.

There is nothing recognizable left of the ship’s hull and it has been speculated that the anchor and cannon may have been jetisoned in a storm to lighten the ship. I counted 12 cannon, but the guides say there are actually 15 scattered about. Whatever the reason for their presence, it is an awesome experience to swim among these icons of a past era.

Walkers     Sharks